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Lesser Spotted Eagle (Aquila pomarina) - migration map

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Lesser Spotted Eagle (Aquila pomarina) - migration map


Pokaż Trasa wędrówki orlików krzykliwych (Aquila pomarina) / Lesser Spotted Eagle (Aquila pomarina) migration map. na większej mapie  

1. The first of the lesser spotted eagle is an adult male trapped in place nearby the nest in the mainstay of Mircze. On our migration map, this bird is marked by green dot.

2. Another bird is an adult female - similar as its predecessor - nesting in the mainstay of Mircze. On our migration map,this bird is marked by yellow dot.

3. One of the four young eagles supplied with a transmitter. It came into the world in the nest in a lime tree, in the Lasy Strzeleckie Forests. On our migration map,this bird is marked by red dot.





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